Monday, September 5, 2011

To Celebrate or Not?

It seems like every year that I get older, the less I feel like celebrating my own birthday. I haven't quite decided if it's because of the fact that I'm getting older, or if it's the fact that I don't want people to make a big fuss over me. I mean it's not like I'm 6 and have been waiting ever so anxiously for my big birthday party.

It seems like when you become an adult all the holidays and birthdays take on new meanings. Personally, I don't feel the need to ask people to take time out of their busy schedules just to focus on me and my birthday. Once again, this year was no exception. I had no interest in celebrating my birthday (or cleaning before and after) and was very content with our little weekend get-away at the end of the month! However, my husband wasn't having it. So, I put aside the thoughts about the amount of cleaning and work it takes to put on even the simplest parties and decided to give in. The reason, you might ask...well truthfully to bring a little joy to my hubby! I know how much he enjoys celebrating those he loves, and I love him too much to deny him that joy!

Of course now that the invitation has been sent, I notice that I'm "getting into it"! Although we are keeping the food simple, I'm brainstorming and trying to come up with ideas of what to do to decorate or activities for the kids to enjoy. There aren't a whole lot of little ones in our families at the present time, but I still feel bad that the few that are around don't really have anything to look forward to when coming over to our place. So I am trying to figure out something for them...other than throwing on the 1-2 PS3 games that we have.

Anyways, this is a short post...but something that is on my mind nonetheless!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Been a Long Time

Wow, I just realized that it's been well over a month since I last blogged! Honestly, this is in part to the fact that I got to a point where I just didn't care. I didn't care about blogging or facebook or hearing people's input. I tend to be a pretty high-strung person and I put far more pressure on myself than anyone ever has. For some sick reason I always feel the need to go beyond anyone's expectations as though I have something to prove to everyone, as though the only way someone could want me in their life is because of the things I do or achieve.

I'm still not sure why I have always had this personal monster, my mom even recalls that it all just kind of started once I started kindergarten. Something in me just snaps and I have to put on the red cape and become super woman and do everything and anything that needs to be done, and never ask for help because that would be my kryptonite. I can't have a weakness and I sure as heck can't let anyone ever see it, right?

Well, the good thing about being an adult (or trying to be one) is the lessons we seem to see a bit clearer. I'm starting to realize that I'm not alone and that I don't have to try and do everything perfectly by myself; no one expects me to. I'm still not sure where this urge stems from, and I may never know. However, I do know that I MUST get a handle on it before we start building our family. I can't even imagine trying to work full-time, clean/maintain a home AND be a positive interactive influence for our kids...if I have this immature sense of having to "do it all".

I think that this is partially why I left blogging and facebook alone...I was so busy criticizing myself with work and home that I just didn't want to bring in another audience to judge me. I was doing enough judgement on myself! Plus, I started to notice that I was getting very judgmental and cynical because of facebook. I was letting things that people posted get to me and I found myself building with fumes over the idiotic things people would post. So, I distanced myself. I am starting to agree with my husband to a point that facebook is a waste of time. However, it is one of the main forms of communication that I have with some people, my baby sister for instance! I never know when she has a phone, I don't know her email address or if she ever checks it...but I do know that I can get a hold of her on fb :-)

Anyways, I kind of realized that this blog is more for me and I don't really care if anyone reads it, agrees with it or learns from it. In the end, it's kind of my therapeutic outlet; me time. I think (to a degree) that we all should allow ourselves to be a little selfish from time to time; to take care of ourselves and allow ourselves a moment to be happy. The main reason: well if you aren't happy why on earth would people want you around?

Life is a juggling act, and people like me who try to juggle too much on their own eventually fall, hard! So, my new personal goal is to:
  1. Ask for help
  2. Let the less important "plates" fall
  3. Realize that I can't do everything perfectly
  4. Realize that NO ONE expects me to do everything perfectly
  5. Truly give things over to God
thank you and God bless!

p.s. I cannot wait til our little Vegas get-away next month...I need some R&R!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Removing the Unnecessary

We often go through life holding onto things that we don't need, there seems to be a little bit of hoarding in all of us. Things we think we'll use eventually get stored away, until one day you go through and find things and they are like buried treasure you never even remember buying. Things you forgot you had, now seem so trivial and you slowly become more and more willing to get rid of them.

Well, I personally think people and relationships can be the same. People come and go in our lives all the time. Childhood BFF's that you never went anywhere without, you no longer talk to; that one guy you dated that you "just couldn't live without" is now the last person to ever cross your mind. Many times it's because you've simply grown out of that relationship; it's not to say that that particular relationship didn't hold any value to you, but more that you just evolved to other people who fit better into the person you became/are becoming.

Many times for me, I go through and re-evaluate the relationships that I have to see what kind of value I'm getting out of them. This may sound very selfish, and yes I must admit, it very much so is. However, when you can go through and look at a relationship and see that in every possible way you have been the one that puts into it and the other person only ever start to wonder "why do I even bother?" Relationships are a two-way street, and if the other person never gives back or only does so to a degree so that they can look good in front of people, then I'm sorry I have no desire to be around that.

Honestly, I'm not one to really give up on relationships, I have had many friendships/relationships far longer than they should have ever lasted, simply because I give people the benefit of the doubt and hope that one day they'll be there for me just like I have been there for them. I also genuinely like to help people, I go out of my way to try and make other peoples lives easier and hate the thought of not helping and/or being there for them. However, eventually I do wake up to see that I have been taken advantage of, and then I get tired of being the doormat and I walk away.

I'm at a point in my life where I am building my own family, I love my husband very much and will do anything for our relationship. If people in my life cause unnecessary clutter and stress on me, then it causes unnecessary stress on my relationships. Why would I allow such acts to happen in my life? Life is stressful enough without having to worry about what someone is going to do to you next, and if you're constantly in a state of dismay or worry whenever those people call, email, or text....then isn't that a sign that you just sort of need to "clean house"?

I've been praying a lot about this recently, and I know there are still things that I need to learn and understand before "finalizing" any kind of in the meantime, I will continue to pray and continue to try and give it over to Him.

Proverbs 22:24-25

Saying 3

24 Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person,
do not associate with one easily angered,
25 or you may learn their ways
and get yourself ensnared.

Monday, July 4, 2011


One thing that I am always personally striving to do is to put myself in other people's shoes. I try to see what a person is thinking/feeling and then asses how I should react/act. Typically, the reason for this is that I want to be considerate and ensure that others are comfortable. Many times to people who do not know me, this can come across as distant and/or rude; when in fact it's quite the opposite. I am typically the type of person that will go out of my way to make somebody's life easier, so I observe to see what area I can help with; whatever I can do to help or keep someone else from further stress, anxiety, or worry then I will do my best to do what I can! I genuinely just want to help those in my life, and many times its in the little ways.

There are some people in life who only help when it will benefit them or make them look good in front of people. There are some people who only call or are nice when they want or need something. Some people demand respect, yet never give it in return. Some people require recognition for every little thing that they do to "help". Some even go so far as to pretend that they are another type of person...and then someone requires them to be the person that they portray, and they fold.

It's amazing the walks we choose in life. Sometimes its reactionary; sometimes its "how we were raised"; sometimes its adaptation, sometimes its stubbornness (unwillingness to see the need for a change). Whatever the walk may be...shouldn't it be to praise God and not ourselves?

As much as I try to help others, I am still human...far from being perfect! I seem to have a problem of giving my opinion a little too freely when someone isn't able to see their selfishness. Lately, I have really been having an internal battle with this one. Even the little things are really just aggravating me lately (for instance: how idiotic people can be when they drive - simply because they are being selfish and seem to think that they are the only ones in the world). I find myself snapping and saying things that are pretty rude, to try and get others to see how selfish they are being. I just cannot seem to let go...which means that these selfish people have a hold over me.

I keep praying for God to help me with my anger and annoyance, but I am starting to think that maybe by praying for that, I am actually the one being selfish. Instead, I think I need to just let go and realize that my anger and frustration will not help anyone to see that maybe there is another perspective to consider outside of our own.

Maybe my new aggravation stems from my own selfishness, and instead I need to turn to God and remember that I have no right to judge another persons actions as being selfish. Just because its not something that I would do, or the way I would do it, does not mean that they are selfish. It could very well be because they just do not know otherwise. Does this mean that I have to allow these people in my life though?

Romans 12:2

New International Version (NIV)

2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Human Affect

So often we allow the actions, words, attitudes, decisions and judgements of others to have drastic and lasting effects on our lives. Often times, as a result of what others have done and the pain or frustration that we have endured, we as humans want to "blame". We feel as though someone should be held accountable for the bad that has happened to us. More often than not, we blindly push the blame on God. "God why are you punishing me?" or "Why can't God ever just give me a break?" and other remarks.

It actually took me many years and growing in my faith to accept the fact that the "bad" in our lives is not God punishing us. Most of the time when things just aren't going right (in my experience) it has been because of one of two reasons (or sometimes a good 'ol fashion combo):
  1. It's been caused by Humans
  2. My walk with God isn't aligned

So, what do I mean by these reasons? I will try to explain, but I for one didn't fully understand until I grew and trusted in God more. So, for some of you this blog will sound like some crack-piped "excuse" and for others you will completely understand!

Personally, many years ago I had lost faith for a while. I had reached a "low" in life and could not believe that a loving God could have allowed me to go through such pains and situations. It was after many discussions with my husband (then boyfriend) to realize that all those "things" and situations that I had gone through were because of people (myself included), not God. That's when I realized that I would never allow another person's actions, words, etc. cause me to stumble in my walk again.

Naturally, we all say "I would never allow someone to come in between me and God", but you'd be surprised at how quickly and easily it can happen! For instance, have you ever lost your temper because of something someone said or did or didn't do? Then that means you have allowed that person to come in between your walk with God. I struggle with this continuously!

My second reason above, well, do you ever have moments (sometimes many chapters) in life where it's just one thing after another, and you just never seem to get a break? Again, in my own experience this seems to happen when I'm getting off course. When I'm trying to steer my own life instead of trusting in Him and walking the path that he wants me on. God will never purposely bring harm my way or try to hurt me, instead God sets up warning signals with flashing yellow lights to try and get me to see that the path I'm on is heading in a dangerous direction.

This doesn't mean that God doesn't test me from time to time though! Life is full of lessons, some more difficult than others...but no matter what something can always be learned to bring us closer to Him. It may take several years for us to learn the lesson(s), but eventually the blinders will be removed and we'll see it clear as day!

I was reading in Psalms last night, that really reminded me of my own struggles and experiences where I felt like a victim...but looking back on it I realize that many times I was a victim of my own offenses!

Psalm 10:10 - 15 (NIV):
10 His victims are crushed, they collapse;
they fall under his strength.
11 He says to himself, “God will never notice;
he covers his face and never sees.”

12 Arise, LORD! Lift up your hand, O God.
Do not forget the helpless.
13 Why does the wicked man revile God?
Why does he say to himself,
“He won’t call me to account”?
14 But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted;
you consider their grief and take it in hand.
The victims commit themselves to you;
you are the helper of the fatherless.
15 Break the arm of the wicked man;
call the evildoer to account for his wickedness
that would not otherwise be found out.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sometimes You Need to Recharge!

Well, we had a fairly busy weekend with a lot of family time stretched out from Thursday to today. As always, it is wonderful to spend time with friends and family, however sometimes all the running around can be a bit draining. I actually found this weekends' events to be scheduled out just enough to allow for recharging in between! Of course, all the gatherings include LOTS of food! Since it's all so yummy, you naturally have to try some of everything too (just to make sure that it's safe for everyone else).

I had fully planned to go to the gym this afternoon/evening to try and burn off some of the calories taken in today (we had gone to the gym yesterday, so I was pretty content with that). However, I finally came to accept the idea that everyone should have a day to recharge. So, instead I relaxed with my husband and when he went to bed (since he works tonight), I decided to allow myself a little nap as well.

When I first woke up from my nap, I felt a little frantic like I should be doing a list of other things instead...almost as though it was wrong for me to enjoy some down time and just do nothing. Normally, this would encourage me to start working on something or going and taking care of some errands. However, instead I've decided to just prepare and make dinner and then call it a night.

I think we all need some "down time", and most importantly to allow ourselves this down time without feeling guilty. We run around all week with our to-do checklist, sometimes getting so worn down with the necessities that we forget to put time aside for ourselves and most importantly time aside for God. I'm just as bad about this as the next person, but I am realizing more and more that I actually "need" it more than anything. We seem to need the relaxation; physically, mentally and most importantly we need it spiritually.

So I will enjoy my quiet time in peace and most of all am thankful to God for allowing me this time.

Exodus 20:8-10 (NIV)

8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wondering Thoughts

This will be a longer post than normal...but I feel it will be more entertaining or strange...depends on how you take it?

Today started off as a slow moving day for me! Took me an hour to get up and out of bed to get ready for work! hour...I had set my alarm for an hour before I needed to actually be up, in hopes to have the motivation to go running. For those of you that know me, you know mornings are NOT my thing! Well, big surprise...I didn't go running this morning.

It was definitely a coffee "must" kind of morning...especially with the overcast/sprinkling morning that we were having. You know those kinds of mornings where you wished you could just stay in your PJ's and possibly be by the ocean, until the sun burns off the layer of muck and then you can go relax in the sun. So, to move my morning along, I grabbed a mocha and a cinnamon chip scone from Panera (because I am still on my Starbucks strike) and headed into work. Fortunately, my morning at work was pretty calm and relaxing. This allowed me adequate time to wake up fully in time for my busy afternoon.

On the way home, my mind started wandering...about random stuff too! I take a lot of side streets home to avoid the cluster of freeways. On my particular route, there are a lot of open fields (which is difficult to find in Orange County). Near an old military base, there are these large trees. However, these particular trees are not planted in the ground. Instead, the trunks of the trees are surrounded by large pieces of wood and the entire thing sits on top of the ground, they look like they would be fairly easy to transport with cranes/trucks. (I'm assuming that these trees get sold to people who want larger trees for their property?) Anyways, oddly enough I started to think that the roots of those trees must feel so claustrophobic being trapped all the time in the wood! Then naturally I thought, what an impossible thing to think of, trees don't "feel".

Then I remembered a video I had seen on facebook earlier in the day that had a little kitten playing with one of those hamster balls and it somehow managed to get inside of the ball and just kept playing while laying in the thing. Now mind you, the kitten wasn't exactly fitting too well in this ball, but at the same time it did not seem to concerned about getting out. I didn't have time to watch the whole video to see if it ever did get out on its own, but again, I started thinking do cats get claustrophobic?

Then I just kind of chuckled at myself...why am I so concerned about things feeling claustrophobic? Especially about things that I have no way of helping and that don't even need help! I still don't really have an answer to why these thoughts were popping into my mind. However, I am assuming that it has to do with the fact that there are so many things out of my control (in reality, nothing is in my control) and I just need to accept that. This is an on-going battle for me. Letting go and letting God lead...I'm sure this is a struggle for so many people. But, I really think that I do need to start with the simple things. Those things I mentioned above are way out there, but the fact that they even crossed my mind as a "concern", I find concerning! If that makes sense?

So slowly, I will let go of all the little nonsense things that I worry about (for some strange reason) and know that God has it all figured out and he will tend to everything! Thank goodness...because there's far too much out there for me to worry about! LOL!

So, I end with this passage:

Isaiah 54:10
Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Moving On

Well, it's been awhile since my last blog and there are several "excuses" tied to that, but to anyone who reads this they are truthfully just excuses. What it has boiled down to though, is the fact that I'm changing directions with this blog in both the literal meaning as well as just my overall life's time for a new breeze!

So, which direction is the blog going? Well I guess whichever way I feel like taking it. It won't be a cooking blog (per se) I'm sure I'll have the occasional blog about a cooking melt-down or a new recipe that both Jarrod and I actually enjoyed. However, I think I'm going to start tracking the positives in my life!

Too often we let ourselves get bogged down with the stresses, the day-to-day grind, our own personal jealousies, our own self-doubts, and many times we allow other peoples' negativity to interfere in our happiness. If we let all that "junk" take over, then it's difficult to see what a blessing God has given us!

So, I have decided, instead of allowing these negatives to take over me; and instead of finding ways to attack back...I'm going to realign my walk with God and remember that he has a purpose for me here. As much as it is going to drive me insane, I am going to forgive those that have hurt and used me (this one will take some time and prayer), and I believe the hardest hurdle ahead of me is letting go of trying to understand why people do the things they do.

Fortunately, for me I have a wonderful husband, supportive and loving mother and the best little sis in the world; who are always there for me and who love me no matter what.

With that, I will close with a bible passage that is more for myself than anyone else, because I have been just as bad at doing this as so many others:

Matthew 7:3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye."

Goodnight & God Bless

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

GTT = Ground Turkey Tostada

Well, yet again I've fallen behind on my blog posts (not that anyone really takes these things too seriously!). Last week I ended up making meatloaf (which I have posted about before) topped with BBQ sauce. I'm finding that I actually like it a lot better with BBQ sauce instead of the typical ketchup and brown sugar.

My husband also made ground beef burritos with refried beans for us last week, which were very yummy! Since we had opened a large can of beans for our two little burritos, we had a lot of left-over beans that needed to be used. So, we had used some for some cheese queso sauce for chips and dip at or little BBQ last Friday.

Today, I used the rest of the refried beans to make tostado's! I don't know why, but I've really been craving a tostado recently (which is odd, because I pretty much never eat them). Tonight I wanted something that was slightly healthy, I've had a pretty bad cold for the last week, and just wanted something light but with flavor to eat. So, I stopped by the store and picked up some Jennie-O ground turkey breast. I for one have never bought ground turkey before and was a bit scared of it. So, what did I do with it? I treated it just like it was ground beef :-)

Erin's Ground Turkey Tostada:
1. Brown 1 20 ounce package of Jennie-O ground turkey breast in a warmed skillet on the stove-top.
2. Once the meat has cooked completely, add about 1/4 cup of chopped onions (optional) and cook for about 4 more minutes.
3. Add 1 package of Taco Seasoning and 2/3 cup of water to the turkey and onions skillet - cook for 5 minutes.

Then I just put together my tostada!
I spread a thin layer of refried beans on my store bought tostada shell, then I put that in the microwave for 30 seconds. I added a thin layer of shredded mexican cheese on top of the beans. Then I took a small amount of shredded romaine lettuce and piled that on. I topped off the lettuce with my ground turkey/onions mixture, and then I mixed in a small amount of "bad" by topping it off with some sour cream!

All-in-all, I thought it was pretty good and I felt good eating it :-) With being sick for a week, I haven't exactly gotten to the gym recently, but every little bit helps, right?

Tomorrow, I think we are making tri-tip, which I have posted about in the past. However, I did also buy the ingredients to make a pizza at home (which I am "assuming" is healthier than buying Pizza Hut...but probably not).

Monday, April 4, 2011

Oven Baked BBQ Ribs

Well, Baby Back Ribs were on sale at Stater Brothers this week, so naturally I bought some! I know there are several ways to cook baby back ribs. You can grill them, oven bake them or cook them for 8 hours in the crock-pot. For time sake, I opted to bake them in the oven.

Here's what I used:
  • Season Salt
  • Garlic Powder
  • Pepper
  • BBQ Sauce
I cut the membrane (back side) off, then rubbed each side with the seasonings above. I then laid the ribs bone side down on a baking sheet with tin foil. Then I pored one can of Dr. Pepper over all of them, then created a dome cover with more tin foil and put them in a preheated 325 degree oven. I left them in the oven for 2.5 hours.

Lessons learned:
  1. Be sure and Pam Spray the bottom of the baking sheet before putting the tin foil down (the Dr. Pepper sticks to the tin foil!).
  2. Reduce the cook time to 2 hours - I think I had about 5 pounds of ribs (including bone)
After the 2.5 hours, I pulled the ribs out of the oven, removed the dome tin foil and then glazed the ribs with BBQ sauce. I put the ribs back in the oven for about 10-15 minutes.

The sides that I made were mashed potatoes and pan grilled squash with a little bit of garlic powder and olive oil.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Twist To A Classic - Part II

So, I made the lower calorie Chicken Divan that I had written about yesterday! It definitely took longer than I was anticipating, and I think there may be some quicker ways to do some of the steps, but I don't really know how at this point.

All-in-all, it was good! I felt it was a little bland (which probably helps with the lower calories), so in the end I ended up adding a little bit more salt and pepper, and topping it off with some Parmesan cheese. Also, instead of using overpriced Gruyere which the recipe called for...I ended up going with mozzarella!

For the side, I went simple and healthy! I steamed up some baby carrots and put a little bit of sea salt on them. And to top off my meal...I had a SkinnyGirl Margharita! While these margharita's are more tart than most, they are still very yummy and at only 100 calories for 4oz, where can you go wrong?

So, naturally after eating pretty much a "healthy" dinner, what do I do? Yep, I eat half of a Banana Caramel Crumb cupcake from The Perfect Circle Cupcakery! I've been wanting to try this lil shop in Old Town Orange for a while now...ever since I found out about them on Cupcake Wars! Let me say, it's difficult to only eat half! There was so much flavor and sophistication in this little cupcake!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Twist To A Classic

So, for some strange reason I have been kind of craving Chicken Divan. I don't really know why, but I really haven't wanted to make it simply because the classic recipe is pretty fattening with all the butter and milk in the sauce. Plus depending on which version of the recipe you use, there can be even more calories added to give it that something "extra".

Oddly enough, I clicked on the FoodNetwork website today (which I actually don't go to too often). And what was on the homepage, but some links for "Favorite Healthy Meals"! Even more surprising, the first recipe in the "50+ Dinners" was for Stuffed Chicken Divan with a Sherry Dijon Sauce. From the looks of the recipe, it seems pretty easy and the ingredients are items that are typically around the house (which is always a plus in my eyes!).

So, tomorrow guess what I'm making? Yep, Stuffed Chicken Divan with a side of baby carrots. I think that sounds pretty healthy and appetizing!

On top of this, I have been inspired to dust off my KitchenAid and put it to some use. So, I will be searching for recipes that I can use it for...and I'm hoping the recipe is not something high calorie and/or overly sweet! So...that is TBD!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Is It Summer Yet?

Well it was brought to my attention that I haven't written on my blog in a while, so I figured I should really get to it! Especially since I am currently unemployed, I really have no excuse that I "don't have time"! lol

Oddly enough with being home more, you'd think that I would be cooking more...but that just hasn't been the case! I did however, make a roast last week that came out pretty good! I had gone to Stater Brothers in hopes to come home with some Porterhouse steaks to throw on the grill. However, having just lost my job I was pretty hesitant to spend the money for them. Not that they're crazy expensive or anything or that I don't have the money for them...but for whatever reason I just could not bring myself to buy them (you'd think I was buying kobe or something)! So, I looked at what was on sale and I noticed that some of their roasts were. With the cold kick that's swept through SoCal again lately, I thought a yummy roast and potatoes would be perfect!

Unfortunately, I was a little bit pressed for time since I was wanting to join a women's auxiliary meeting that night. So to keep it simple, I rubbed some salt and pepper and garlic powder all over (lightly), and then I took about 5-6 garlic cloves and cut grooves into the top of the roast and kind of buried the cloves into the meat. I had pre-heated the oven to 400, placed the roast on a cooling rack and placed that on top of a cookie sheet and placed it in the oven. I let it cook for about an hour and a half with the oven on. After that time, it was still a bit on the rare side, but I had to leave to go to the meeting. So, I stuck it back into the oven (with it turned off) and left! I had read on some recipes that they actually tell you to cook it that way, so I figured it would be fine.

While the flavoring turned out to be pretty good, I dare say that by the time I got home (2.5 hours later), the roast was pretty much at the "well done" stage. Fortunately, it wasn't too tough, but it just was not what I would have preferred. I whipped up some mashed potatoes and called it done for the night.

Essentially, yet again I was reminded at how important timing really is in cooking. Unfortunately, what I had intended on cooking in the allotted time that I had, I talked myself out of over a couple of dollars difference, which in the end I don't think really "saved" me a whole lot.

Meanwhile, I've been watching Giada at home and Barefoot Contessa to get more ideas and to see how things are done. I probably won't ever make anything that Giada does, mainly because her recipes are typically more complex or are dished that we just wouldn't really enjoy...but I love hearing her ideas and watching how she does things. As for Ina, I think I will eventually use some of her recipes as hers are more for the "everyday person" and generally are quick and easy.

Well, stay tuned for what lies ahead! As usual, if I find any good recipes, I'll be sure and share them!

Sunday, March 6, 2011's what's for dinner!

Wow...yet again it has been a long time since my last post! Not that I have a whole lot of readers, but to those who have enjoyed reading my blog...I am sorry :-)

So, with warmer weather on the horizon (I hope anyways), the desire to trim down from my winter hibernation is kicking in. So, I am trying to find foods that are a little bit healthier. Now when I say a little bit, I basically mean not deep fried and covered in yummy sauces or something I throw in the microwave. I also mean, not eating out as much. I know that pork is a leaner meat, but is one that we don't eat very much in our household. However, since I'm kind of getting bored of steak and a side or chicken and rice, I thought it might be a nice change.

So, here is what I'm making tonight:
  • Oven Roasted Potatoes (BettyCrocker style)
I found the Pork Chop recipe on Food Network, and it sounded pretty good (it's a Rachel Ray recipe). I usually do the whole apple type pork chops, but again wanted something different. I'm excited, but nervous about this recipe. In the past I've cooked pork a little too long and naturally it comes out very dry and tough to eat. So, I'm hoping to cook it the correct amount of time and that it is good reheated. I'm also nervous about the beer aspect as I really do not like the taste of beer, but naturally alcohol cooked in foods always tastes so different.

Why does it need to be reheated? Oh yeah, because my poor husband works graveyard and doesn't get to eat dinner with me on most nights. So, what I can cook is sometimes limited by what will reheat well.

So far the recipes for both the potatoes and the pork seem to be pretty easy, and there's quite a bit of time in between prepping for both so you're not rushing to get the items started.

***HOW IT ALL TURNED OUT*** my timing was a bit off with these two recipes. The pork takes much longer than all of the time elements that the recipe provides. So, my potatoes were done about 25 minutes before the pork...go figure. The potatoes were time I'll just make 'em like I usually do. But all together the pork recipe was VERY good. I used Blue Moon beer because it was all that we had in the house and I used beef flavored broth, instead of stock. I really enjoyed the gravy! Hopefully the next time that I make this recipe I'll be a bit speedier with it all and the timing will come out to be closer to what it should be!

On a side note...I really don't like cutting onions!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ideas for the Costco bread packs...

I know, I know...yet again it's been a while since my last post. However, I did start a new job and managed to catch some sinus cold!

I did find and tried a very easy meatball sandwich recipe which turned out REALLY yummy! My husband had bought these long baguettes (similar to french bread) from Costco, and naturally everything from Costco comes in super packs. So, we were trying to find things to use the bread with before they went bad. So, on top of making roast beef and cheddar sandwiches, we made meatball sandwiches, and homemade pizza's!

Here's the recipes for the meatball sandwiches (found on


  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 3/4 cup bread crumbs
  • 2 teaspoons dried Italian seasoning
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
  • 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 French baguette
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 pinch salt, or to taste
  • 1 (14 ounce) jar spaghetti sauce
  • 4 slices provolone cheese - we used mozzarella instead ;-)


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  2. In a medium bowl, gently mix by hand the ground beef, bread crumbs, Italian seasoning, garlic, parsley, Parmesan cheese, and egg. Shape into 12 meatballs, and place in a baking dish.
  3. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes in the preheated oven, or until cooked through. Meanwhile, cut the baguette in half lengthwise, and remove some of the bread from the inside to make a well for the meatballs. Brush with olive oil, and season with garlic powder and salt. Slip the baguette into the oven during the last 5 minutes of the meatball's time, or until lightly toasted.
  4. While the bread toasts, warm the spaghetti sauce in a saucepan over medium heat. When the meatballs are done, use a slotted spoon to transfer them to the sauce. Spoon onto the baguette and top with slices of provolone cheese. Return to the oven for 2 to 3 minutes to melt the cheese. Cool slightly, cut into servings, and enjoy!
***ONE NOTE*** Try to make your meatballs on the smaller side, otherwise they'll roll right off the bread!

The Pizza was originally my idea, but my wonderful husband executed this one.

All we did was toast the bread with a little bit of olive oil and italian seasoning and some garlic powder in the oven (similar to the toasting done in the meatball sandwich recipe above). Then you warm up some spaghetti sauce (either microwave or stovetop). Then you spread a thin layer of the spaghetti sauce on the pre-toasted bread and then layer mozzarella cheese on top and place back in the oven long enough for the cheese to melt. Naturally, you can grab whatever toppings fit your fancy with this one!

Both of these recipes are quick and easy and allow for either a small snack or they can be a complete meal!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

To Blog or not to blog...that is the question!

Well, my husband (and a few others) make fun of me for having a blog. Hence my blogging silence in a while! However, today I have decided that I don't care what people think...this blog is really for me! Since I couldn't find a cooking class to take and learn through a teacher, I find that this blog encourages me to learn, encourages me to cook and motivates me to push myself and try!

What's weird about the whole "bad cooking" thing is the fact that once upon a time I was a pretty good cook. However, for the longest time I stopped cooking and therefor my cooking confidence and skills have depreciated. I guess it's true...practice does make perfect!

So, a few quick/easy fix meals that I have made recently are some of my favorites for those nights that you just don't feel like cooking because of a long day or whatever.

1. Hawaiian Marinated Chicken with Coconut Rice
  • We use the Lowry's Hawaiian marinade --> You'll usually find this in the salad dressing aisle at grocery stores. This stuff is great! When using this marinade, we've found that using chicken thighs is best as it holds the flavor much better! You just throw in some marinade with the chicken thighs for 30 minutes (minimum) and then toss the chicken on the bbq!
  • Coconut Rice --> With this you make the rice in a rice cooker per usual, however instead of filling it completely with water, you use about 1 - 2 cans of coconut mlk (depending on how much rice you're trying to make) and then fill to the required marker based on your rice cooker instructions with water.
2. Classic Betty Crocker Meatloaf
  • Yeah I just follow the recipe in my handy dandy cook book on this one! This last time that I made it I used BBQ sauce on top instead of ketchup and actually like that a lot better! So, I will probably make it that way in the future. I also added some garlic powder, which the recipe does not call for. I made some yummy smashed potatoes and actually microwaved up some of those frozen veggies that are in the cheese sauce. I know I could have made these myself...but yeah it's so much easier this way!

I'm also VERY excited! My wonderful husband got us a flat screen LCD TV for the kitchen and installed it on Friday! Now I have set the DVR to record a few tv shows and I can now watch them in the kitchen while I cook! So, I will get to see and then do now...and I am very excited about this! Right now I'm watching Iron Chef America, and they are cooking everything with Mexican Chocolate! Oh my this looks REALLY good! I actually would absolutely love to get my hands on the recipe for the Arepa De Puerco!

Anyways, that's the latest! This week I am really wanting to make korean bbq short ribs and steamed white rice. This is another item that we make fairly often, but we haven't in a while and I'm really wanting some! This is one of those that Jarrod really makes because of the fact it should only marinate for a certain number of hours and since he is home during the day he gets to put it together and then I come home and throw it on the grill! It's a good team effort for some yummy food!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


(not my photo, but looks pretty much the same as mine!)
So, after watching a zillion episodes of Cupcake Wars (and after not being able to bring myself to spend $3.00 per cupcake at a bakery), I decided to tackle the homemade way of baking!

It has definitely been a lengthy process...partly because I was really taking my time and ensuring that I was doing everything correctly. No matter what, it's definitely too long compared to the pre-mixes!

Granted, I was not baking or prepping the entire time, but a dragged out part was constantly checking and stirring and waiting for the chocolate ganache to be the right consistency.

I started with Martha Stewarts Devil Food cupcake recipe. Honestly, these were really good! I ate one without any frosting just to make sure they tasted good, and they taste amazing without frosting! The only thing that I would recommend here is, in step 2 they tell you to melt the sugar and butter in a saucepan together. I would recommend melting the butter completely first and then adding the sugar in. Otherwise you get some clumps that take longer to melt.

However, my chocolate cupcake vision naturally didn't stop there! My end all plan was to fill these chocolate treats with silky, chocolate ganache and then top everything off with a mexican hot chocolate frosting!

The recipe for the ganache has been interested (again Martha Stewart). I did notice once I started filling the cupcakes with it that I had made way too much ganache! The recipe essentially tells you to make that much because they are intending for you to cover the cupcakes with the ganache. I hadn't really put the fact that I only need a small amount per cupcake, together prior to making it. So, now I have like a pound of ganache in the fridge. Although, I have read online that the ganache freezes yes, it will be going in there, until I find another recipe to use it in (there are tons!). Out of this whole process however, the ganache has been my least favorite aspect. Not so much the actual taste of it, but just the process of making it. This particular recipe was a pain! You have to stir it every 5 minutes and then put it back in the refrigerator. Finally after about 45 minutes of doing this, I started leaving the ganache in the fridge for about 10 minutes before stirring.

As for my favorite part, the Mexican Hot Chocolate frosting! I've found lots of websites that all have the same recipe, so here it is:

Mexican Hot Chocolate Frosting:

  • 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 cups confectioners' sugar, sifted
  • 3 ounces unsweetened chocolate, melted
To prepare the frosting:
Using a handheld electric beater, cream the cream cheese and butter together thoroughly.
Add the chili power and cinnamon, mixing to incorporate.
Add the salt, vanilla, and confectioners' sugar.
Finally, mix in the melted chocolate and blend thoroughly until smooth.
***If additional thickening is needed, add more sifted confectioners' sugar, a little at a time, until a spreadable consistency is reached***

Essentially, I did have a lot of fun with this experience...however, it is one that I probably will not ever do again (unless I'm absolutely bored with nothing else to do). As for me, I will gladly stick with using the pre-mixes you buy at the store! I can also see why bakeries charge $3.00 per cupcake now, and I won't feel so bad about possibly buying one in the future (I never have before).

In addition to the above, I also made shredded beef taco's with beans and rice for dinner! ...I don't want to even discuss how many dishes I had to clean for all of this stuff being made today! Needless to say, I am tired and I bid you goodnight :-)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I know I haven't posted anything in a while, but I must confess I got into another lazy cooking spell!

Typically on my husbands weekend we eat out quite a bit, which is exactly what has been happening. As you read in my last post we went the Chili's. Well, Friday night we met up with a friend for TGI Fridays. Which I must say was a much better experience than our night at Chili's. My TGI Fridays experience started off with a yummy Mai Tai. Then my husband and I did the 2 for $20 deal (trust me these things really are deals!). We started off with potato skins (which 3 people sharing could barely finish). Then Jarrod had his grilled shrimp and I had chicken crispers. To top off our meal, TGI Fridays includes a dessert in their 2 for $20 meal. So, we had the banana split! Their banana splits are one of the best and we truly do enjoy it!
Saturday our food venture included Lucille' of our favorite places (it was even where we had our rehearsal dinner for the wedding). There is actually a particular story that is the prime reason to our visit on this day. Back before the wedding rehearsal dinner, we had picked out a menu along with our reservation so that we wouldn't have to wait forever for either a table or for food to arrive. Low and behold, what happened? Yep, we get there and we had to wait about 20 minutes for our table, then once we were seated, there were menu's sitting out on the tables. Jarrod and I were a bit confused by this since we had already selected a menu previously. About 15 minutes later drinks were brought out to our party of 25 and the servers started asking us if we wanted any appetizers. This was a signal to us that something was wrong, as we had chosen appetizers in our pre-selections. So we mention to one of the servers that we had a menu all selected and that it included apps. Needless to say, none of the managers or hosts had ever notified the servers about the pre-order. So, it took about 45 minutes on a Thursday night to get our appetizers and we ended up being there for quite a long time.

Anyways, I had emailed corporate through their website to let them know of our experience (back in November 2010), and I just got a call about 2 weeks ago from the manager. He was calling to apologize one for the lateness in replying and two for the experience he had. He then proceeded to invite us back to their restaurant location and that there would be $50.00 available for us to use on our visit. So far every visit that we have had at the Tustin, CA Lucille's has not been good (including this previous one). The service is lacking and inattentive and for whatever reason, this particular location always has extremely fatty brisket.

Essentially we were all extremely full from Lucilles, and didn't eat dinner Saturday night.

Sunday, we went to church and then Red Robin (which ended up being a huge disappointment). We use to go to Red Robin all the time, but haven't been in a while...and now we remember why!

Sunday night dinner for me ended up just being a simple microwaved baked potato (I know extremely lazy!). I actually really did want a baked potato, however after eating it I soon realized that I should have taken the time to actually bake it and put some effort into it. It just was unsatisfying, but filling.

Monday I actually did cook! I finally cooked that Tri-Tip that my husband prepared (discussed in previous post). So, I don't know if you would count this as "cooking", since all I did was use our trusty BBQ grill and cook up the yummy tri-tip. I also cooked up a box of KRAFT mac n cheese to go with it.

Tonight...left over night ;-)

I do need to figure out something for tomorrow night...but I am really on a cooking block (no pun intended).

Friday, January 28, 2011

A Night From Cooking

Well I did not have to cook last night, my lovely husband took me out to eat at Chili's! We had a gift card, and thought it would be a good time to use it. However, while I was there I realized that yet again I was let down by the Chili's food. I had the Chicken Fajitas...which on the 2 for $20 menu, this comes out to being a pretty good deal. However, as I bit into my second fajita, I soon realized that the only thing that I've ever truly enjoyed at Chili's, is going for Margharita's with the girls!

On the flip side, I was happy to not have to battle the kitchen for one night and that I didn't have a pile of dirty dishes to tend to!

However, oddly enough this morning I am finding myself a bit restless and really wanting to find something to create for dinner tonight! This is an odd fascination to me! I've gone from dreading stepping foot in the kitchen; scared of whatever concoction I destroy in now being intrigued to see what I can learn next. Although, I think tonight we'll keep it simple, I'm still really wanting to cook up something!

So, tonight I believe (if the meat thaws in time), we will be making Tri-Tip on the grill and good 'ol Macaroni & Cheese! Jarrod has an incredible rub that he's created for the Tri-Tip, and we usually just use the simple KRAFT Mac 'n Cheese out of the box. I could make Mac 'n Cheese myself...many people have said in the past that they do like my mac 'n cheese (when I make it correctly), but why go through that level of effort when I really enjoy the KRAFT kind and it's so much less work?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Follow up to the "Back to Basics" Post

So I figured out an AMAZING "fix" to the salty fried chicken! It all started with a craving...I really wanted to have a Monte Cristo Sandwich. However, I didn't want to pay $13.00 for one from a restaurant that I've never been to. I also didn't want to go to the grocery store to buy meats just for one sandwich (I know my husband wouldn't eat a Monte Cristo). I also thought of making the sandwich on a waffle, similar to how Belgian Waffle Works does. However, once again I would be making a lot of waffles for no one to eat...even if I only made a 1/4 of the waffle recipe.

Needless to say, this thought track started me on the waffle kick! Then I had it...Chicken & Waffles! The salty chicken would balance out well with the syrup. I considered making waffles from scratch...since the recipe is pretty basic. However, I still had the problem of there being too many waffles if I made them

What pray tell do I do? Well, I remembered that we had some of those frozen eggo type waffles...yes I know not quite as glamorous as fresh fluffy waffles, but since I wasn't in the mood to cook and I didn't want a mountain of waffles around the house...I toasted up some eggo waffles, heated up some of the salty fried chicken and lathered on the butter and syrup!

It was really good for a quickie meal and I will definitely keep it in mind for the future!

On a side note...I have to remember to make a monte cristo sandwich after either Thanksgiving or Christmas when we have fresh turkey and ham!

Going back to the Basics...

Well last night I thought I would go back to my roots of cooking and do something that I know I can cook well! So, I went with my classic Fried Chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy. Some may say, "How is cooking fried chicken, going back to the basics"? Well for me it's just one of those foods that I've always cooked and cooked pretty well! I was determined to cook this well and observe myself to see what it is that I do, that makes this work out so well. I did realize that I am very confident when cooking Fried chicken...probably because I have made it a million times. I also realized that I was not in a rush...I know that in order to make good fried chicken you have to cook it pretty slowly. If you cook it at too high of a temperature, the fried coating will burn and the chicken won't get fully cooked. You also cannot get have to let it cook quite a while on one side before turning it over. Otherwise the fried coating will come off.

I think knowing that cooking the fried chicken was going to be a lengthy process, I was ready for it to be time consuming. Therefore I wasn't in a hurry and could take my time with it. I think the biggest problem with cooking that I tend to have is that I am usually pretty hungry by the time I start cooking and I grow far too impatient while it cooks and then get annoyed and try to find shortcuts to get food in my mouth sooner!

The ONLY problem with the fried chicken last night is that I was far too heavy with the season salt...ugh! There seems to always be something wrong with some aspect of my cooking (this has only been so in the last 6 years!). I sometimes have a problem of making food a bit bland because I'm worried about over seasoning! This time, I "went big" and it was a BIG mistake. I guess I should stick to making things more on the bland side...because you can always add to it once it's been cooked.

Needless to say...I do feel a bit defeated today from my salting fiasco! So, I will not be cooking tonight! However, I did learn that my patience (or lack thereof) is my downfall yet again!

...I think God is trying to tell me something here, what do ya think?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A New Hobby?

Well, now that the wedding is behind us and all that planning is done and the holidays have passed...I'm finding myself with a lot of free time! It's difficult to fill that time during the week simply because my wonderful husband works nights. So, I'm usually coming home to a pretty quiet house since he's sleeping in the bedroom!

Unfortunately, I haven't been feeling well the last few weeks so working out hasn't been an option. However, I am slowly starting to add small increments of work outs at home to see how I do with it and to just get back in the swing of things again. That always seems to happen to me (or at least in the last two years). I work out for two months and get a routine going and start to feel good about myself again...then I get sick or injured or this retarded stomach pain kicks in again.

I have really been wanting to take a cooking class...I'm not the most confident chef and find myself struggling with some of the basics (probably wasn't a good thing to never take home-ec after all). Unfortunately, I haven't found any cooking classes with hands-on experience in the area. The only thing I find are the culinary arts classes, but I do not want to pay that much just to better my own personal skills.

I find myself watching "Worst Cooks in America" and think, "Yep, I should really go on that show!" Although watching some of the shows does boost my confidence because some of the things they do I am even baffled by! The recent episode had them making Hamburgers on the BBQ...needless to say it was interesting to see how clueless they were! I guess BBQ'ing is easy in my eyes...just prep it, throw it on and check it regularly. The best thing about a BBQ too is, less mess! Barely ever any dishes to be cleaned!

Baking is also very easy for me. I like baking because everything has to be very precise, there's no guessing or's straight forward and simple.

I should specify...the few things we eat routinely, I can make pretty well now. However, I know I for one get bored with eating the same things all the time! So, typically the problem arises when I try to "change things up" or find new recipes.

So maybe for new hobby should be to learn through watching TV as well as trial and error how to be a better and more consistant cook! As well as how to find the "good" recipes that both my husband and I will enjoy and that don't break the bank to make!