Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wondering Thoughts

This will be a longer post than normal...but I feel it will be more entertaining or strange...depends on how you take it?

Today started off as a slow moving day for me! Took me an hour to get up and out of bed to get ready for work! hour...I had set my alarm for an hour before I needed to actually be up, in hopes to have the motivation to go running. For those of you that know me, you know mornings are NOT my thing! Well, big surprise...I didn't go running this morning.

It was definitely a coffee "must" kind of morning...especially with the overcast/sprinkling morning that we were having. You know those kinds of mornings where you wished you could just stay in your PJ's and possibly be by the ocean, until the sun burns off the layer of muck and then you can go relax in the sun. So, to move my morning along, I grabbed a mocha and a cinnamon chip scone from Panera (because I am still on my Starbucks strike) and headed into work. Fortunately, my morning at work was pretty calm and relaxing. This allowed me adequate time to wake up fully in time for my busy afternoon.

On the way home, my mind started wandering...about random stuff too! I take a lot of side streets home to avoid the cluster of freeways. On my particular route, there are a lot of open fields (which is difficult to find in Orange County). Near an old military base, there are these large trees. However, these particular trees are not planted in the ground. Instead, the trunks of the trees are surrounded by large pieces of wood and the entire thing sits on top of the ground, they look like they would be fairly easy to transport with cranes/trucks. (I'm assuming that these trees get sold to people who want larger trees for their property?) Anyways, oddly enough I started to think that the roots of those trees must feel so claustrophobic being trapped all the time in the wood! Then naturally I thought, what an impossible thing to think of, trees don't "feel".

Then I remembered a video I had seen on facebook earlier in the day that had a little kitten playing with one of those hamster balls and it somehow managed to get inside of the ball and just kept playing while laying in the thing. Now mind you, the kitten wasn't exactly fitting too well in this ball, but at the same time it did not seem to concerned about getting out. I didn't have time to watch the whole video to see if it ever did get out on its own, but again, I started thinking do cats get claustrophobic?

Then I just kind of chuckled at myself...why am I so concerned about things feeling claustrophobic? Especially about things that I have no way of helping and that don't even need help! I still don't really have an answer to why these thoughts were popping into my mind. However, I am assuming that it has to do with the fact that there are so many things out of my control (in reality, nothing is in my control) and I just need to accept that. This is an on-going battle for me. Letting go and letting God lead...I'm sure this is a struggle for so many people. But, I really think that I do need to start with the simple things. Those things I mentioned above are way out there, but the fact that they even crossed my mind as a "concern", I find concerning! If that makes sense?

So slowly, I will let go of all the little nonsense things that I worry about (for some strange reason) and know that God has it all figured out and he will tend to everything! Thank goodness...because there's far too much out there for me to worry about! LOL!

So, I end with this passage:

Isaiah 54:10
Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes, yes, God is such a good God. Poking us
    Prodding us, pushing us....mostly to think about Him and trust himand
    Lean on him. Pretty much everything is out of our control. I mean really, everything. I too, struggle with letting go at times. I get to a point where God's got me cornered, then I'm like okay fine!!

    I think it takes time. You are definitely on the right path. Also, you shouldn't doubt what was making you think these strange but also very similar thoughts were directly from God. He tends to use some odd things to get our attention.
