Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A New Hobby?

Well, now that the wedding is behind us and all that planning is done and the holidays have passed...I'm finding myself with a lot of free time! It's difficult to fill that time during the week simply because my wonderful husband works nights. So, I'm usually coming home to a pretty quiet house since he's sleeping in the bedroom!

Unfortunately, I haven't been feeling well the last few weeks so working out hasn't been an option. However, I am slowly starting to add small increments of work outs at home to see how I do with it and to just get back in the swing of things again. That always seems to happen to me (or at least in the last two years). I work out for two months and get a routine going and start to feel good about myself again...then I get sick or injured or this retarded stomach pain kicks in again.

I have really been wanting to take a cooking class...I'm not the most confident chef and find myself struggling with some of the basics (probably wasn't a good thing to never take home-ec after all). Unfortunately, I haven't found any cooking classes with hands-on experience in the area. The only thing I find are the culinary arts classes, but I do not want to pay that much just to better my own personal skills.

I find myself watching "Worst Cooks in America" and think, "Yep, I should really go on that show!" Although watching some of the shows does boost my confidence because some of the things they do I am even baffled by! The recent episode had them making Hamburgers on the BBQ...needless to say it was interesting to see how clueless they were! I guess BBQ'ing is easy in my eyes...just prep it, throw it on and check it regularly. The best thing about a BBQ too is, less mess! Barely ever any dishes to be cleaned!

Baking is also very easy for me. I like baking because everything has to be very precise, there's no guessing or improvising...it's straight forward and simple.

I should specify...the few things we eat routinely, I can make pretty well now. However, I know I for one get bored with eating the same things all the time! So, typically the problem arises when I try to "change things up" or find new recipes.

So maybe for now...my new hobby should be to learn through watching TV as well as trial and error how to be a better and more consistant cook! As well as how to find the "good" recipes that both my husband and I will enjoy and that don't break the bank to make!

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