Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Twist To A Classic - Part II

So, I made the lower calorie Chicken Divan that I had written about yesterday! It definitely took longer than I was anticipating, and I think there may be some quicker ways to do some of the steps, but I don't really know how at this point.

All-in-all, it was good! I felt it was a little bland (which probably helps with the lower calories), so in the end I ended up adding a little bit more salt and pepper, and topping it off with some Parmesan cheese. Also, instead of using overpriced Gruyere which the recipe called for...I ended up going with mozzarella!

For the side, I went simple and healthy! I steamed up some baby carrots and put a little bit of sea salt on them. And to top off my meal...I had a SkinnyGirl Margharita! While these margharita's are more tart than most, they are still very yummy and at only 100 calories for 4oz, where can you go wrong?

So, naturally after eating pretty much a "healthy" dinner, what do I do? Yep, I eat half of a Banana Caramel Crumb cupcake from The Perfect Circle Cupcakery! I've been wanting to try this lil shop in Old Town Orange for a while now...ever since I found out about them on Cupcake Wars! Let me say, it's difficult to only eat half! There was so much flavor and sophistication in this little cupcake!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Twist To A Classic

So, for some strange reason I have been kind of craving Chicken Divan. I don't really know why, but I really haven't wanted to make it simply because the classic recipe is pretty fattening with all the butter and milk in the sauce. Plus depending on which version of the recipe you use, there can be even more calories added to give it that something "extra".

Oddly enough, I clicked on the FoodNetwork website today (which I actually don't go to too often). And what was on the homepage, but some links for "Favorite Healthy Meals"! Even more surprising, the first recipe in the "50+ Dinners" was for Stuffed Chicken Divan with a Sherry Dijon Sauce. From the looks of the recipe, it seems pretty easy and the ingredients are items that are typically around the house (which is always a plus in my eyes!).

So, tomorrow guess what I'm making? Yep, Stuffed Chicken Divan with a side of baby carrots. I think that sounds pretty healthy and appetizing!

On top of this, I have been inspired to dust off my KitchenAid and put it to some use. So, I will be searching for recipes that I can use it for...and I'm hoping the recipe is not something high calorie and/or overly sweet! So...that is TBD!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Is It Summer Yet?

Well it was brought to my attention that I haven't written on my blog in a while, so I figured I should really get to it! Especially since I am currently unemployed, I really have no excuse that I "don't have time"! lol

Oddly enough with being home more, you'd think that I would be cooking more...but that just hasn't been the case! I did however, make a roast last week that came out pretty good! I had gone to Stater Brothers in hopes to come home with some Porterhouse steaks to throw on the grill. However, having just lost my job I was pretty hesitant to spend the money for them. Not that they're crazy expensive or anything or that I don't have the money for them...but for whatever reason I just could not bring myself to buy them (you'd think I was buying kobe or something)! So, I looked at what was on sale and I noticed that some of their roasts were. With the cold kick that's swept through SoCal again lately, I thought a yummy roast and potatoes would be perfect!

Unfortunately, I was a little bit pressed for time since I was wanting to join a women's auxiliary meeting that night. So to keep it simple, I rubbed some salt and pepper and garlic powder all over (lightly), and then I took about 5-6 garlic cloves and cut grooves into the top of the roast and kind of buried the cloves into the meat. I had pre-heated the oven to 400, placed the roast on a cooling rack and placed that on top of a cookie sheet and placed it in the oven. I let it cook for about an hour and a half with the oven on. After that time, it was still a bit on the rare side, but I had to leave to go to the meeting. So, I stuck it back into the oven (with it turned off) and left! I had read on some recipes that they actually tell you to cook it that way, so I figured it would be fine.

While the flavoring turned out to be pretty good, I dare say that by the time I got home (2.5 hours later), the roast was pretty much at the "well done" stage. Fortunately, it wasn't too tough, but it just was not what I would have preferred. I whipped up some mashed potatoes and called it done for the night.

Essentially, yet again I was reminded at how important timing really is in cooking. Unfortunately, what I had intended on cooking in the allotted time that I had, I talked myself out of over a couple of dollars difference, which in the end I don't think really "saved" me a whole lot.

Meanwhile, I've been watching Giada at home and Barefoot Contessa to get more ideas and to see how things are done. I probably won't ever make anything that Giada does, mainly because her recipes are typically more complex or are dished that we just wouldn't really enjoy...but I love hearing her ideas and watching how she does things. As for Ina, I think I will eventually use some of her recipes as hers are more for the "everyday person" and generally are quick and easy.

Well, stay tuned for what lies ahead! As usual, if I find any good recipes, I'll be sure and share them!

Sunday, March 6, 2011's what's for dinner!

Wow...yet again it has been a long time since my last post! Not that I have a whole lot of readers, but to those who have enjoyed reading my blog...I am sorry :-)

So, with warmer weather on the horizon (I hope anyways), the desire to trim down from my winter hibernation is kicking in. So, I am trying to find foods that are a little bit healthier. Now when I say a little bit, I basically mean not deep fried and covered in yummy sauces or something I throw in the microwave. I also mean, not eating out as much. I know that pork is a leaner meat, but is one that we don't eat very much in our household. However, since I'm kind of getting bored of steak and a side or chicken and rice, I thought it might be a nice change.

So, here is what I'm making tonight:
  • Oven Roasted Potatoes (BettyCrocker style)
I found the Pork Chop recipe on Food Network, and it sounded pretty good (it's a Rachel Ray recipe). I usually do the whole apple type pork chops, but again wanted something different. I'm excited, but nervous about this recipe. In the past I've cooked pork a little too long and naturally it comes out very dry and tough to eat. So, I'm hoping to cook it the correct amount of time and that it is good reheated. I'm also nervous about the beer aspect as I really do not like the taste of beer, but naturally alcohol cooked in foods always tastes so different.

Why does it need to be reheated? Oh yeah, because my poor husband works graveyard and doesn't get to eat dinner with me on most nights. So, what I can cook is sometimes limited by what will reheat well.

So far the recipes for both the potatoes and the pork seem to be pretty easy, and there's quite a bit of time in between prepping for both so you're not rushing to get the items started.

***HOW IT ALL TURNED OUT*** my timing was a bit off with these two recipes. The pork takes much longer than all of the time elements that the recipe provides. So, my potatoes were done about 25 minutes before the pork...go figure. The potatoes were time I'll just make 'em like I usually do. But all together the pork recipe was VERY good. I used Blue Moon beer because it was all that we had in the house and I used beef flavored broth, instead of stock. I really enjoyed the gravy! Hopefully the next time that I make this recipe I'll be a bit speedier with it all and the timing will come out to be closer to what it should be!

On a side note...I really don't like cutting onions!